Friday, March 30, 2012

Make Some Noise

One of my best friends, Macaulie, introduced me to an awesome church on Thursday nights called The MVMT. It is so cool to find a place and just instantly plug in. There was a guest speaker last night who radiated God's love.

His sermon revolved around Acts 17 about how Saul becomes Paul, from a persecutor to an apostle. He was such a bad person before that no one could believe he could change so quickly. & that is why God is so amazing. He ignores your past and takes you as you are now. No matter how broken or put together you are. He just wants you, and He cries of joy when you realize you need Him. So run, run to your Lord because He is waiting for you.

Something the speaker said last night that I can't forget is, "I would rather be a slave to God than a slave to anything else. I would rather be a slave to God than a slave to addiction." Why live for the world when you can live for a God of perfect love?

So Make Some Noise for your Lord

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Reliving a Moment

I will never forget moments like late nights with great friends.
Sometimes in life there are those moments that you wish could last forever. It's like your favorite scene in a movie. You have the ability to rewind it over and over again to fall in love with it over and over. All we have in reality is a memory. We just have to rely on it and hope it satisfies us, which holds us back in enjoying life at all times. So remember, Word of Advice: Live in the moment. We think it is so hard to find something positive in everything we do, but it is more of a drag to be that negative Nancy. Relive the moment & enjoy others that are happening now or are to come in the near future. & JUST LOVE LIFE.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Summer's Brewin'

The heat is hitting Texas (not like there really was a winter anyway?).  But my mind is so far away from where it needs to be. In school. All I ever can focus on is sitting outside in the sun or driving around town in my convertible with all my friends. Studying and completing homework seems so unimportant to me at the moment, but I'm not the type of student who can turn something in late or fail every test. School has always been a priority, but I am so anxious for summer. I lay out every chance I get, even if I have to do my homework outside.

I even pulled away my two favorite sweaters that hang on my bed posts, and I replaced them with my two summer hats. It's getting real. Only nine weeks away from what will most likely be one of the best summers ever. <---I bet everyone says that before summer, right?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fresh Start

I have always wanted to start a blog, but I have never known how to lay it out as I have planned it in my head. This has been like a trial & error process. I started with blogspot, but I couldn't find enough inspiration, so I went to tumblr. Let's just say the sparks didn't really fly. So here I am now, back on blogspot, finally feeling ready to begin sharing my life on the internet. We will see where this takes me, but I am planning on sharing God's love, fashion advice, time spent with my friends and family, and my every day struggles and strengths. This will be a place to let out my stress in a light hearted way. I want to leave each post knowing I could put a smile on someone's face. Bear with me in the beginning. I am trying to become less technology challenged.

I must get over the fear of failing with a blog and put my heart on the line. Welcome to a new adventure, my life.

"When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?"-Psalm 56:3-4

Remember to smile today.