Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My First Collection

In my gifted and talented English class, we were assigned a project to do whatever we wanted for the whole year. Yes, very broad, but it was supposed to be something we were passionate about but never had the opportunity to accomplish it. I decided to design a collection of clothes.

I started by finding inspiration. My inspiration was through the large flocks of black birds that sit in trees & yards in my neighborhood. As the birds fly away together at once, the black synchronized flow is amazing. I knew I needed to use darker fabrics & flowy materials.

I then sketched my ideas. I have never sketched or taken a drawing class, so my sketches are rough. But once I got the ideas flowing onto the paper from my head it ended up working out.

Finally I started sewing. Remember I have never sewn before. I got a sewing machine for Christmas, watched a DVD, and went on my way. I tried using patterns, but I hate reading a million instructions, and I got frustrated, so I gave up on those. So basically I free handed sewing with no previous skills. I would love to take sketching and sewing classes to increase my ability of tailoring.

Below are my designed products. I am very happy I must say. One LBD, one maxi skirt & crop top, one maxi dress, & one gown:

Please comment with feedback


  1. Wow! You have some true talent, I'm really impressed. Don't stop doing what you love Clare!

  2. This was a great project and I think you have found a true passion. The designs were awesome and your sewing skills are impressive. Keep up the great work. Hope to see you on Fashion Star someday!

  3. You did an amazing job. I loved reading about your inspiration and the range of styles you choose to create. They definitely show your true talent. Great Work!

  4. Great collection, Clare! What wonderful natural talent you have for design and tailoring. Not an easy feat to create your own line. I adore the LBD and the maxi! Stunning and flattering. Kudos!

  5. Clare these are great! I love the tulle under the short skirt, the ribbon on the LBD and the way you mixed casual stripes and formal lace on the maxi dress. You are creative and have an eye for fashion. I look forward to seeing other lines you design.

  6. Very impressive! You did a great job. I think you could make a real career in fashion design.

  7. Clare, I am amazed at your gift of art and sewing. These are styles young girls would beg their moms to buy. Your English teacher will be proud of you. I too tried to sew once and couldn't understand patterns. So I just gave up. I'm glad you made up your own. Congrats!
