Friday, May 4, 2012

One Year Left

I can not wrap my mind around the fact that high school is almost over. I mean I have a whole year left, but still that is ONE YEAR left in a town that I lived in basically my whole life. Some of my best friends are seniors, and they are leaving Allen for college in just 3 short months. Goodbyes are no fun. But there are also new hellos in my life I need to welcome as well in this upcoming school year; decisions- like where to go to college? Like what?! I am going to be filling out college applications this summer. Life seems so unreal right now.  opportunities- like becoming a wyldlife leader. After Younglife has helped lead me to a stronger relationship with God, I have been given an opportunity to be a wyldlife leader, which is Younglife for middle schoolers, to help them meet the most Perfect Love before they enter the harsh world of high school. independence- I will now begin to make big decisions on my own like having a job, filling out college applications, getting into college, finding roommates for college, figure out all housing plans for college, & planning out what I want to take in college. The main words I have listed are college, college, college. Basically in this one year left, that is all I can think about. I hope I can relax a little more about it though and just enjoy my last year with great friends and my awesome family!

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